One of my first classes at CSULB was Foundation Painting. This class was, for me, more difficult then it sounds. I feel like graphite drawings and tonal drawings are my strengths. Painting in color is very difficult for me to understand. After a few projects I found that I had a lot of bad habits. We primarily used oils and I find that oil painting is a bit ritualistic. There is a lot of time spent setting up, mixing the paint and then applying it purposefully. I just wanted to jump right in and paint. I was ALL about blending ON the canvas and quickly learned that blending on the canvas was, majority of the time, WRONG. I was told that it was best to mix the paint on my PALLET and then apply the paint to the canvas. I admit that I was a little apprehensive at first because I did not want to have to spend more money on paints, but found that I needed to buck up and INVEST. Oil looks fantastic when it is applied in thick layers and each stroke creating its own shadow and texture while also working together with the rest of the colors on the canvas.
This class allowed a lot of creative freedom and we were commended on our strengths and made to figure out our own weaknesses. Like I said, I have a lot of bad habits I need to change. This class also helped me with my fear of color. I am still a little intimidated, but now that the ice has been broken I am more interested in adding and applying color to pieces.
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